Every year we try to support our clients with a christmas hamper.
However this year we have faced many fiancial challenges, so we are calling upon the general public and businesses to help support us in our endevor to be able to do it again this year.
As everyone knows, the cost of living crisis affects many, but what they may not realise is that food banks are also suffering as we are tackling the never ending increases to food and with that in return comes more clients who are struggling fiancially. As we are hitting the colder months this too brings in more challenges as our client base increases as more and more are making the tough decision between eating or heating.
With your help we hope to be able to set aside some of these worries by offering a christmas food parcel for those that are most in need. With your donation we are hoping to raise enough money to give each of our clients a christmas parcel which will include a fresh chicken and fresh vegetables aswell as a few christmas treats too.
You can help by way of donation to https://gofund.me/41e5781b or please drop of some donations to the foodbank on our opening hours.
